
The Game Master and Me

A Two Player, Tabletop-Roleplaying Podcast. Featuring Craig Burton and James Holdstock

It’s not always easy to find a roleplaying group. You might move to a new town and not know many people, perhaps you have loads of friends that want to play but just can’t all agree on a time or place to get together. Maybe, you have a friend that is interested in role-playing, but is a little nervous about playing with a group of people and wants to have a go and learn the ropes before delving deeper.

Whatever your reasons for being interested in two player tabletop RPG’s, there is no denying that they can be a great and convenient way to play.

The Game Master and Me is a two player tabletop role-playing podcast. Predominantly an actual play with a discussion episode at the end of each game with the hope of both providing some entertainment and helping you to play great two player games if it’s something you don’t have much experience with.

When we started two player roleplaying, it was as a way to try and play in the absence of a group, but we have since found it is an incredibly rewarding, intimate and exciting way to play. Not better, or worse than playing with a group of friends, but different and with it’s own rewards.

We hope you enjoy the podcast.

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D&D – A great Upheaval

Hello Adventurers. This adventure uses Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition from Wizards of The Coast and is played using an adventure module called A Great Upheaval that can be found at Dungeon Masters Guild (please, click on the link for more information) As usual, it would be prudent for me to be clear at this…

Changes to the Podcast

Hello Adventurers. If you’re regular listeners, you’ll have noticed the most recent episode, the final part of our Fiasco adventure is over a month late, and for that I apologise. It’s up now for you to listen to, finally but a change of jobs and going back to college and a number of other commitments…


Hello Adventurers. It’s time for a new adventure and for this we are playing Fiasco from Bully Pulpit Games. (click the link to visit their website) it’s a great narrative driven GM-less game for 3 to 5 players. We made it work with two, and quite well I think. If you listen to the podcast…


Hello Adventurers! This blog accompanies our Armistice adventure set toward the end of World War 1. The fighting is over and a recon mission starts to get… spooky. This story is an adventure written by James Holdstock, however this adventure and this podcast uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Chaosium Inc/Moon Design Publications LLC, which are…

Mars Colony

Hello Adventurers, this blog accompanies our Mars Colony podcast. For this adventure, we are playing Mars Colony by Tim C. Koppang. You can find more information about it and his other projects on his website tckroleplaying.com and there you’ll also find links to his twitter and other ways to contact him. I really enjoy this game…

Merrie England

Hello Adventurers, here is where you will find all the show note information for our Merrie England adventure and all the downloads we mention in the show. Enjoy! This is a story based on a book written by James called “To Murder A King (A Squires Tale)” to take a look and maybe buy a…

Edge of The Empire

Hello Adventurers. So this is an accompanying blog to our podcast that talks about the game we played and provides accompanying show notes. Any information we talk about in the show and mention the show notes can be found here. The first game recorded and released on this podcast is Edge of the Empire by…